PROCESS - Your Best Rental Experience

PROCESS - Your Best Rental Experience

Fewer Hassles, Someone who Cares

You'll find proof of Best Choice's quality rental management expertise in the experiences of others. Call to request contact information for client owners, renters and professional partners. We are confident any of them will give Best Choice a positive reference. When you're ready, we'll take these next steps:

  • Owners: We'll evaluate your property together to determine your potential profit. If we believe the property has true potential to become a high-quality Best Choice managed home, we'll lay the groundwork for a working relationship that we expect will last many years.
  • Renters: We'll show you available houses and apartments that could become your new home. If you qualify to become a Best Choice renter, we'll ask you to sign a standard contract, then we'll do everything in our power to help you achieve a smooth move.
  • Professional Partners: We'll listen to your needs and help you come up with solutions, whether you are a real estate agent who needs to keep a seller on the hook by renting for awhile, a financial planner who needs a creative solution for a client portfolio, or a loan officer looking for reasons to support a customer loan.